Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Beautiful Closet, Less The Clutter

Article #1 of “My Closet Experience”

Every month I clean my closet from top to bottom. Yes, you can say that I’m a neat freak and perhaps a perfectionist. Whatever the case I like my closet to be organized with my clothes hanging in a specific order, my shoes stacked out of way on the floor and my armoire filled with my jewelry and trinkets to be very organized. So, I like my closet to be cleaned with no clutter. I like a beautiful closet! But, ladies, what am I really talking about here? Beyond keeping my closet beautiful, I also like my life, my hair, my nails, my skin and my entire being (inside and out) to be as beautiful as possible. Women we are beautiful from inside and out, head to toe, over and under, without a doubt. Our inward beauty which is not seen is just as beautiful as our outward appearance. There’s a saying, beauty is only skin deep, which translates to beauty is skin deep to the outward person and you shouldn’t care about what a person looks like because it’s only the outside. There’s another saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which translates to, different people will find different things beautiful and difference of opinion doesn’t matter greatly. Ladies, we are molded by a very special pair of hands and wonderfully made. There is no one else like you or I. We are a commodity, one of a kind. 
Look at yourself, look deep into your heart and you will find a lot of beauty about you. Like a closet, you have beautiful things inside of you. It could be the gift of giving, the gift of loving people unconditionally, the gift of caring, the gift of having faith when it seems there’s no way out, and the gift of trust when others have doubts. You have so much beauty inside of you and most of you probably don’t even think about it. I understand that some one may have put you down at sometime in the past. They may have said that you’ll never be what you know that you can be. They probably have called you ugly and stupid. They probably have said that you’ll never amount to anything. Ladies, if you take nothing else away from my speech today, I ask you to remember this. My closet becomes beautiful when I clean it. Just as my temple (my body), my mind, my spirit and soul, becomes beautiful when I perfect it. I cleanse it, I rejuvenate it and I refresh it. How do I cleanse it, I purify my body by drinking water, eating fruits and vegetables. How do I rejuvenate it, by exercising, just a little walk each day is enough to keep you going. I refresh it by reading my bible, praying, and speaking scriptures over my body and my life. 
Ladies, on Tuesday Nov 4, we showed more of your beauty than ever before. We as well as America cleaned its closet from top to bottom. Look at our first lady Michelle Obama and then take a look at yourselves. We are all a representation of the beauty of America and how hard work, diligence, fortitude and honesty can win out over division and divisiveness. Ladies, America lived up to her promise on Nov 4th that anything is possible. You can have anything in life that you so desire. If we clean out the clutter in our lives that we keep stumbling over, we can see the beauty that still exist in our lives. Beauty is not rare! It resides inside and outside of us. Beauty is not something to be afraid of, it is to be loved. Beauty is not something to cage up, it needs to be released into the atmosphere. Beauty is not only skin deep, it’s all around us, over and under us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (you and I) and it makes no difference what we view as being beautiful. Women, you are wonderfully made and beautiful inside and out.
Your beauty of sharing and caring shines through like a light to the heavens. Reach deep into yourself and peel away all of the clutter. Throw away all the unnecessary mess in your life. Then look underneath all that you threw away and you should find nothing except “a beautiful closet” which translates to a beautiful you!